torsdag 16. september 2010

Falling stuff v3. Now in full hd!

Version 3. Now with 100% more HD! Yay!

Remember to change the quality to 1080p
Also2: The rendering took 4 hours :O

10 kommentarer:

  1. wow, looks amazing. But 4 hours rendering? damn

  2. nice, but whats wrong with the fps at the end?
    Is it made with AE CS4 or 5?

  3. Thanks, the last part is just 30 frames viewed in "slow motion". I wast to lazy to render 150 new frames just to make it smooth. (4h+ extra rendertime)All the editing was done in flash mx. (from 2002 lol)

  4. Thanks for posting this vid/link. Very interesting!

  5. That looks pretty bad ass, keep it up
